About Us

Our Methodology

As equity consultants, we engage with a wide range of organizations and communities, striving to make belonging a universal norm.  Organizations are living entities just like we all are - they hold stories, memories, collective joy and trauma.  Sometimes, in the aftermath of an impactful experience - from completing a fellowship, living through a racially charged incident, or tensions about global conflict, groups need a structured approach to unpack the harm. The Playback experience is a powerful way for a community or collective to find the words to explain their perspective to one another, and receive coaching to find a way forward together.  The Belonging Resident Company offers an empathy-driven approach to catalyze teams to step into authenticity, spirit, and vulnerability, while centering the needs of those most likely to experience exhaustion, re-traumatization, or demands on their emotional labor. 

We use a form called Playback Theater, which based in a long lineage of applied theater forms that uplift community, healing, and empathy.  Listening to one another’s life experiences lights up our brains with endorphins that create pleasure, build trust, and help us find the radical acceptance that is necessary for depthful transformation. We  believe that playback theater can help fertilize the soil so that we can grow more equitable, inclusive organizations. 

Ensemble Members

  • Sangita Kumar


  • Sarah Crowell


  • Jessa Brie Moreno

    Ensemble Lead

  • Susie Lundy

    Ensemble Member

  • Alicia Montgomery

    Ensemble Member

  • Adisa Stewart

    Ensemble Member

  • Chelsea Gregory

    Ensemble Member

  • Cheryl Yang

    Ensemble Member

  • Lorenzo Jones

    Ensemble Member

  • Margot Biehle


  • Ava Tung


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